Last month TELT members attended this year’s summer meeting of the Moodle User Group Greater London (MUGGL). Hosted by UCL East in their new Stratford campus, 60 colleagues from around London -based HE institutes and an online-only audience, gathered to discuss and share ideas and best practices.
This group has been meeting for a number of years and is attended by people from universities across London who make use of the Moodle (QMplus) platform, as well as other technologies. Most that attend are in Learning Technologist or related roles, and it is a supportive community which provides a great place for sharing knowledge and ideas.
TELT’s Enhancement Manager, Zaheer Daleel, is one of the MUGGL chiefs, alongside colleagues from other HE institutes such as King’s College London, SOAS and the BLE.
Agenda & Topics Covered
This summer’s event focused on 5 main topics:
- This Summer’s Moodle/QMplus Upgrade
- Upskilling Staff
- Accessibility (via the Brickfield Tool)
- Content Reuse
- Data Retention & Deletion
QMUL Presentations
Zaheer (QMUL) and Sultan Wadud (SOAS) began by discussing the upcoming summer upgrade of Moodle/QMplus. They ran an interactive session (via Mentimeter) to garner the thoughts and plans of colleagues in the room and of those online.
TELT Learning Technologists Catherine Mclean and John Seamons delivered a brilliant session on QMUL’s use of the Brickfield Tool which encapsulated the journey taken from inception to rollout and onboarding. The team showcased stats, training plans, promotional activities and much more, of which the audience were very impressed.
Event Resources and Useful Links
Please see below links and resources below to find out more about the event.
Looking Forward
If you’d like to join the MUGGL mailing list and potentially attend future MUGGL meetings, please request access via this link.
Our next winter event will be held in November and the location and further details will be communicated soon. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Zaheer Daleel (