
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Organise content

Use your module homepage as a place where you point your students to learning content that you store below it. There are a number of ways you can do this.


If you have a lot of content e.g. in a handout in pdf or word format, pages are a great way to lay it out and save space on your module homepage. They also make your content fast loading on mobile devices and avoid the need for software to open downloaded files. Students tell us that they like them.

Pages are particularly good when you want to embed video clips into QMplus or design structured online activities for your students.

Here are a few examples of pages in action:

In the first example the page is used to present a discussion activity based around a video clip:

You can find out more in this guide: Creating a page (Moodle Doc)


QMplus books are essentially collections of pages. You organise your pages into chapters and QMplus automatically generates a tables of contents which can be used to navigate the book.

If you have a lot of content (e.g. video clips, extensive supplementary text for students to read, or a series of tasks and activities or case studies) you can structure that content on a series of interlinked web pages called a ‘book’ in QMplus. The book is simple and easy to use and has a handy printable version if your students feel they need to print things out.

You can find out more in this guide: Using a book to structure your content (Moodle Doc)


If you have to upload multiple related files for your students to download then you might consider adding them to a folder.

You can find out more about how to do this by following this guide: Uploading Files into QMplus Hub.

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