
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Online assessment with WiseFlow

23 April 2020 13.00pm

Over the past year, our digital exams and assessment project (DEAP) has been piloting the use of a system called WiseFlow to support high stakes summative assessment. The recent COVID-19 outbreak has meant an increase in interest across the university in what WiseFlow can offer.

In this one hour online session, we’ll be looking at what functionality WiseFlow offers, particularly when compared to our main online learning environment, QMplus. The session will therefore not be a WiseFlow training session but will look more generally at what WiseFlow offers. There will be plenty of opportunity for participants to ask questions.

The session will be taking place in Blackboard Collaborate. You will need headphones, or speakers, to be able to participate. A microphone would be very useful but is not compulsory.

Join the session in our online support area

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