
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Staff drop-in at Mile End

17 July 2018 13.00pm

Location: E-Learning Studio, Scape East, Mile End Campus

Our drop-in sessions are intended for any member of staff who has a specific query about their use of technology in their teaching. Whether you are having issues with QMplus, are confused about how to edit your Q-Review recording or have an issue with the set up of your Turnitin assignment, a member of the E-Learning Unit will be on hand at this time to help you out. You don’t need to book, you can just turn up. If you want to let us know about your query in advance, let us know on, but it’s not necessary.

Please note that drop-in sessions are intended for queries that are likely to be resolved quickly through a meeting with E-Learning Unit staff. We also offer scheduled training sessions for those wishing to learn about our various technologies and our Book a Learning Technologist service is for those who have more in depth queries about their use of technology.

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