
Technology Enhanced Learning Team


New Feature – Scheduling the release of your recordings

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For: StaffApplication: Before making a recording , Q-Review

It is now possible for instructors to request their lecture captures be set to available / unavailable before they have been recorded, so that the release of recordings is more automated. To do so, please notify Q-Review Bookings via, letting them know which recordings you wish to schedule the release of and they will add this information to the scheduled Q-Review bookings.

Please note, if these options are not enabled then the default of recordings being published immediately will be applied by the system, with recordings published to applicable modules’ Q-Review sections in QMplus, accessible via the Q-Review tool.

One can see in the screenshot above that it is possible to select a specific number of days in order to delay the release of recordings, along with additional options for selecting when the media be made unavailable again.


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Produced by the the Technology Enhanced Learning Team at Queen Mary University of London.

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