
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Online Surveys (formerly BOS)

This is a software tool that is accessible online, which allows you to create, share, deliver and analyse surveys. Developed by the University of Bristol (and formerly known as BOS – Bristol Online Surveys), it is widely used by universities and other organisations and is now owned and supported by Jisc.

We pay a College-wide licence for the Online Survey software and any member of QM is welcome to use it. The licence allows you to:-

  1. distribute surveys using the web address;
  2. use a secure connection;
  3. use a flexible and accessible product;
  4. have direct access to the external Online Surveys support team;
  5. access surveys produced and shared by other users.
  6. use a tool that has been designed with HE in mind.

To log on to Online Surveys use the new link below:

If you would like an account created for Online Surveys, please raise a ticket with the IT Helpdesk giving your full name and email address and this will be created for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get access to the software?
You need to raise a ticket on IT Helpdesk with your full name and email address and this will be created for you. You will then receive login details for the software within two working days, via e-mail. Your username will be your QM email address. You’ll be given a password which we encourage you to change when you first log in.Your access level will mean that you are an ‘author’ and as such can create and release any number of your own surveys.
Where do I log in?
Go to (new window) and enter your login details.
How do I build my survey?
You build your survey by clicking on Create Survey, selecting a template, editing it to add your own questions and screens, selecting options such as release dates, and finally launching the survey.
What support is available?
Our licence includes support from Online Surveys with how-to guides and FAQs about designing surveys with the software. This page is a good starting point for building a survey.
If you have any problems which the support website does not solve, you can email support at They’re very helpful, but we encourage you to use the live help as a last resort. If you forget your password or have any access issues, please raise a ticket on IT Helpdesk.
Is it secure?
Yes, we have an SLL certificate for which means that your log in and your users’ responses are encrypted as they travel over the internet.
Are there any training courses, or can someone build my survey for me?
Unfortunately not. The Technology Enhanced Learning Team (formerly ELU) do not run face-to-face training sessions for the Online Surveys tool and do not provide a survey building service. Online help is available and bought as part of the licence from Online Surveys. This will assist you to build the survey yourself. We find that the support we pay for with the licence is very helpful, and that people find the software to be fairly friendly after a short learning period.
Can I use other software?
By all means. You might already run surveys through QMplus, through departmental software or through free online survey tools, such as
Note that as we have an existing license for the Online Survey software, there are no additional costs for QMUL users who want to use existing survey templates or create and deliver their own surveys.
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