Videos for coursework
Professors Lizzie Barmes and Kate Malleson recently adopted video assignments as part of the assessments for their Equality and the Law taught in the Department of Law. This innovation gave students an opportunity to develop multimedia content and communication skills. It also helped Lizzie and Kate utilise classroom time more effectively and provided a more flexible form of assessment that was well adapted to accommodating students’ different learning styles. To read more about this, please find the case study here.
Q-Review policy updated
Following the Q-Review upgrade which took place last summer, we identified a number of amendments which needed to be made to the Q-Review Policy. We are delighted to say that these changes have been agreed upon and implemented after being discussed extensively in Faculty E-Learning User Groups, with UCU and finally in the E-Learning Steering Group. Please take a look at the policy which is available here or this page here which lists the main changes.
Important information for TurningPoint users
Are you using the TurningPoint audience voting system in your teaching this academic year? If so, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the software on the computers in lecture theatres will be updated during reading week (the week beginning 6th November). To find out more about this upgrade and the reasons for it, please click here.
Staff development opportunities in October
In October we are running the following workshop:
- ELU001 – Getting Started with QMplus – Wednesday 14th November – 1-3pm – IT Training Room, Whitechapel Campus.
- ELU009 – Getting Started with QMplus Hub – Tuesday 20th November – 2-3.30pm – E-Learning Studio, Scape 0.09, Mile End Campus
Please see our online booking system for more information about the sessions we run and to book yourself a place.
Drop-ins and Book a Learning Technologist
Our staff drop-in sessions will be running as per usual every Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2pm on the Mile End campus for any member of staff who needs help with their use of technology in their teaching.
If you’d like to discuss something in more detail, appointments are available through our Book a Learning Technologist service. Book a one hour appointment with a member of the team to discuss your use of technology in more detail.
What are our users asking via The Helpdesk?
We’ve picked out a few of the most frequently asked questions for September, updated our guidance material and have a couple of tips for you. Click here to learn about how to make sure Q-Review recordings are accessible in the new academic year and view other common issues raised this month.