
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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E-learning Video Competition – Win up to £200 of prizes

23 November 2015 Posted in: News By: Alysa Bramble

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The E-learning Unit is proud to present their first video competition open to all students across QMUL. The goal of the competition is to produce engaging videos aimed at fellow students about various features on QMplus.

The rules are simple:

Step 1: Compose a short video (3-5 minutes) for one of the categories below.

Step 2: Follow the instructions to upload your video to our ‘E-learning Video Competition’ page by the end of December 2015.

Categories: (pick one of the following categories for your video)

1. Induction to QMplus

Create a video that explains how a student can see all the modules they are taking through ‘My QMplus’ and the search bar as well as how to view their calendar and edit their profile. The video should also explain what a landing page is and how to navigate to ‘My Home’ and ‘QMplus home’, where to find help and support and how to access mahara.

2. How to submit a Turnitin assignment

Create a video which demonstrates how to submit a Turnitin assignment. The video should explain where the due date and post date is as well as how to check feedback from tutor, grades and comments on submission.

3. How to submit a QMplus/Standard assignment

Create a video which demonstrates how to submit a QMplus assignment. Explains where the due date is as well as how to check feedback from tutor, grades and comments on submission.

4. Introduction to QMplus Hub

Create a video which explains the basics of QMplus Hub and demonstrates how to create a page, upload a CV and things you can do on QMplus Hub as a student.

5. Wildcard Video

Create a video on QMplus which you think would benefit other students.

Example of this include:

–      Making a forum post and generating discussion through the use of forums.

–      Navigation of QMplus course page, blocks, Q-Review centre block, where to find grades, where to find lecture notes etc.


Members of the E-learning Unit will pick the top 3 videos as the winners. We will also be running a People’s Choice Award for the 4th winner on QMplus, where staff and students can vote for their favorite Video.

Entry details

Deadline: December 2015 (Winners will be announced shortly after)

Winners will receive one of following: Tablet, Beats by Dr Dre or Amazon Vouchers.

Group entries must not be larger than 4. Successful group entries will receive a £50 Amazon voucher each.

Please email with questions.

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