QMplus End of Course Process
This page covers details for what to do when your course ends and you need to prepare QMplus for the next intake of students.
Standard QMplus course areas
Many courses in QMplus coincide with the University’s standard academic calendar, starting in September and ending in June. QMplus courses that follow this timeline can ‘rollover’ after the course ends and an archive of QMplus has been taken (usually sometime in the summer), as long as there no more student activity is expected – such as resit students needing to submit coursework to the same course area.
Rollover is the process of removing student data and content so that the same QMplus course area can then be used for the next academic years intake of students. Read more about the Rollover Process.
Archiving QMplus
Over the summer, after the end of the academic year, QMplus is archived. Any content or activity that occurred in QMplus course areas before the archive is saved into the archive site (restrictions apply – see Archive terms and conditions).
The archive should not be relied on as the sole resource for student coursework, in case of any future queries. The E-Learning Unit still recommends that individual QMplus course areas be backed up and saved locally according to individual school policy.
Note: The QMplus archive for the 2013/14 academic year will be available to users
after the 17th July. Content added to QMplus after this date will not be included in the 2013/14 archive site.
Non-Standard QMplus course areas and Resit students
Some QMplus courses do not follow the standard academic calendar; they start and end at various points in the year. Additionally, some QMplus course areas remain active to accommodate resit students who need to re-submit coursework. In these instances, when the course ends or resits are finished, if there has been any student activity in the course area this would not have been captured at the time the archive became available. The QMplus course area should be duplicated instead of rolled over. See process below.
General guidance – if any student content has been added to the QMplus course area after the official QMplus archive process, then the course should be duplicated.
Duplicating a QMplus course
Duplicating a course on QMplus creates a copy of the area on the live QMplus site.
Therefore there will be two versions of the course on the live QMplus site. The current course area will become an archived version of the course, but will sit on the live QMplus site until the next years archive process. The duplicated copy of the course can then be rolled over and used for the next intake of students.