
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Commonly asked questions

24 October 2023 Posted in: Tips By: Danielle Mangal

Question 1: How can I edit my Zoom recording?

Answer 1: Basic editing can be done within Zoom, however if you need additional editing options such as splitting into smaller videos, splicing clips together or chopping parts from the middle, this can be achieved within QMPlus media. You can either auto-upload your recording to QMPlus media by selecting ‘record to cloud’ when scheduling the recording or you can upload the recording when it is complete using the file from your PC.

Question 2: How can I access my Q-Review recording? (Staff)

Answer 2: This can be done using a few different methods.

  • As the presenter you should receive an email after the recording been processed. Click the link in the email that should take you to your library where you will find your recordings.
  • Login to Q-Review by going to the Echo 360 login page. You’ll see a few tabs in the top left corner which will take you to the course recordings you are enrolled onto.
  • From QMPlus – Where Q-Review links have been added directly to a course page in, you can use these links to be redirected to specific course recordings.

Question 3: I can no longer access certain mandatory training courses via QMPlus. What do I do now?

Answer 3: The following training courses have been moved over to the new CPD training platform and must be accessed there going forward:

  • Introducing Inclusion
  • Anti-Bribery Essentials
  • Criminal Finances Act
  • Safeguarding Essentials
  • Staff recruitment and interview selection
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