
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

Private: 2015 QMplus Upgrade menu

Appeal for testers

Dear colleagues,


E-Learning Summer Event
You are invited to our event this June where you will learn about what changes are taking place in QMplus. You will also hear about new initiatives that have begun at Queen Mary in E-Learning and how these will impact your teaching.

This event will take place on the 24th June from 2pm, in FB 115 (Bancroft), refreshments will be available after. To learn more, please visit:


We need your help!
The E-Learning Unit is busy testing the upgraded QMplus 2.8 environment to ensure that you have the best possible experience during and after the upgrade.

We have been given until the 26th June 2015 to report any issues to the developers so they have time to fix them and for us to retest. From experience, we know that our testing can reveal some bugs in the system, but does not indicate that the system is completely free of issues.

As you are regular users of the QMplus environment, we feel that you could greatly assist by checking your teaching areas and activities and reporting any potential issues that you see. The more we can uncover and report within the deadline, the better chances of an issue free upgrade environment.

Test environment details
We are very pleased this year to have an official testing environment that you can join in, from anywhere at any time. Details are below.

There are caveats, such as:

Performance will not match that of the live QMplus site, although we will look at performance tuning as we progress.
This environment is not the final version or the actual environment of the upgrade.
Data will not be backed-up, and there is a risk that any work done in this QMplus environment may be lost.
There is no official support available when using this site, so please do not email the helpdesk for support with using this test site. You can contact either myself or and we will try to assist, but we are still learning new features ourselves.
Please report any errors/bugs/oddities that you find by emailing (although please bear in mind that as we are still configuring the site and any oddities which you find may be something that is already in the pipelines to be fixed/configured. There is no guarantee of when this will be fixed.
Some integrations/plugins (Q-Review, SITS enrolment, email functionality etc…) are not yet configured and may not be available for use.
As we are still configuring this site and fixing bugs/errors, it should be understood that it may change from time to time. This means the site may be brought down on occasion (and any work which you have done on the site may be lost).

You may login to the test environment using your normal login details at:

We greatly appreciate your help towards making the QMplus upgrade as smooth as possible.

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