
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

Private: 2016 Email Archive menu

Upgrade mailing list

Dear colleagues,

We will shortly be emailing information about the QMplus upgrade to this mailing list: You are subscribed to this list.

The qmplus-upgrade mailing list is used to disseminate important information about the upgrade to QMplus, which due to take place in July. Information will include details about what to expect and when, and will allow subscribers to ask any questions that they may have about the upgrade.

This mailing list was initially comprised of departmental heads, administrators and FRMs. Below are the current subscribed email addresses.

Please can you let me know:
If you are aware of anyone else who should be added to the list (or removed).
If you would like to be removed from the list.
Please note: If you do not wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time by logging into the mailing list at: and clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link once you are logged in.

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