
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Queen Mary has 140 lecture rooms which are Q-review enabled. Check to see if your teaching room is Q-review enabled, if it is then book a recording.

Should you wish to live stream, please let Q-Review Bookings know and they will enable the scheduled recording so that it can be accessed remotely (accessible via the Q-Review tool in QMplus).

SITE Building and Room PRO, POD or UC
Charterhouse Square John Vane, Willoughby LT PRO
Charterhouse Square Joseph Rotblat Building, Room G.02 PRO
Charterhouse Square Wolfson Institute, Room 130 PRO
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, 1.1 POD
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, 1.2 PRO
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, 2.1 PRO
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, 2.2 POD
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, 3.1 UC
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, G.1 LT PRO
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, LG.1 PRO
Lincoln’s Inn Fields CCLS, LG.2 POD
London City Institute of Technology, 1.01 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 2.02 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 2.04 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 2.05 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 3.03 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 3.04 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 4.02 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 4.05 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 5.02 IT Lab UC
London City Institute of Technology, 5.03 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 5.04 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 6.02 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 6.04 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 7.02 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 7.03 Specialist Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 7.04 Specialist Room UC
London City Institute of Technology, 8.01 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 8.02 IT Classroom UC
London City Institute of Technology, 8.03 Seminar Room UC
Malta Malta Building, Classroom 1 PRO
Malta Malta Building, Classroom 2 PRO
Malta Malta Building, Lecture Hall A PRO
Malta Malta Building, Lecture Hall B PRO
Malta Malta Building, Lecture Theatre PRO
Mile End ArtsOne, 1.28 PRO
Mile End ArtsOne, BLOC Cinema UC
Mile End ArtsTwo, 2.17 UC
Mile End ArtsTwo, 3.16 UC
Mile End ArtsTwo, 3.2 UC
Mile End ArtsTwo, ArtsTwo LT PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 1.13 PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 1.15 PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building 1.23 UC
Mile End Bancroft Building, 2.4 PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 3.26 UC
Mile End Bancroft Building, 3.4 PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 4.08 PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 1.01.1 POD
Mile End Bancroft Building, 1.02.6 PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 1.13a PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, 1.15a POD
Mile End Bancroft Building, David Sizer LT PRO
Mile End Bancroft Building, G.07 UC
Mile End Bancroft Building, Mason LT PRO
Mile End Engineering, 2.09 PRO
Mile End Engineering, 2.16 UC
Mile End Engineering, 3.24 PRO
Mile End Engineering, 3.25 UC
Mile End Engineering, 3.52 UC
Mile End Engineering, 3.56 UC
Mile End Engineering, B.9 PRO
Mile End Engineering, G2a-MAClab1_DEL UC
Mile End G E Fogg, 1st Floor Lab A UC
Mile End G E Fogg, Fogg LT PRO
Mile End G O Jones, G.O. Jones LT PRO
Mile End G O Jones, LG1 UC
Mile End G O Jones, UG1 UC
Mile End Geography, 1.26 PRO
Mile End Geography, 2.2 UC
Mile End Geography, 2.26 UC
Mile End Geography, Drapers LT PRO
Mile End Graduate Centre, 1.01 PRO
Mile End Graduate Centre, 1.03 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 1.05 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 1.14 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 2.01 PRO
Mile End Graduate Centre, 2.04 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 2.22 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 3.01 PRO
Mile End Graduate Centre, 3.04 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 3.05 UC
Mile End Graduate Centre, 6.01 PRO
Mile End Graduate Centre, Peston LT PRO
Mile End Law, 1 UC
Mile End Law, 1.02 UC
Mile End Law, 1.12 UC
Mile End Law, 1.19 UC
Mile End Law, 2.07 UC
Mile End Law, 2.09 UC
Mile End Law, 2.1 PRO
Mile End Law, G5 UC
Mile End Library, 1.01 PRO
Mile End Maths, 203 UC
Mile End Maths, 204 UC
Mile End Maths, 302 UC
Mile End Maths, 503 UC
Mile End Maths, Maths LT UC
Mile End Mile End Hospital, Sports Medicine Seminar Room PRO
Mile End People’s Palace, Great Hall PRO
Mile End People’s Palace, PP1 PRO
Mile End People’s Palace, PP2 PRO
Mile End People’s Palace, Skeel LT PRO
Mile End Peter Landin 3.01 UC
Mile End Peter Landin 3.02 PRO
Mile End Peter Landin 4.01 PRO
Mile End Queens, LG1 PRO
Mile End Queens, LG2 POD
Mile End Queens, LG3 PRO
Mile End Queens, LG6 PRO
Mile End Queens, QB-202 UC
Mile End Queens, QB-203 POD
Mile End Queens, QB-209 PRO
Mile End Queens, QB-210 UC
Mile End Queens, QB-211 UC
Mile End Queens, QB-212 UC
Mile End Queens, QB-213 UC
Mile End Queens, QB-215 UC
Mile End Scape, 0.14 LT PRO
Mile End Scape, 0.15 CAPD Seminar Room PRO
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Bainbridge LT PRO
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Boyle Room PRO
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Dean’s Conference Room POD
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Morris LT PRO
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Patterson Ross LT PRO
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Seminar Room 5 POD
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Seminar Room 6 POD
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Seminar Room 7 POD
West Smithfield Robin Brook Centre, Seminar Room 8 POD
Whitechapel Abernethy, Seminar Room A UC
Whitechapel Alex Wing, Bearsted LT PRO
Whitechapel Alex Wing, John Ellis LT PRO
Whitechapel Alex Wing, Seminar Rm 3, 5th floor UC
Whitechapel Alex Wing, Seminar Rm, 3rd floor UC
Whitechapel Alex Wing, Seminar Rm, 4th floor UC
Whitechapel Blizard Building, Neuron POD PRO
Whitechapel Blizard Building, Perrin LT PRO
Whitechapel Floyer House, Laird Hall POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building 1.32 POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building 2.34 PC Lab POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building 2.35 POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building 2.48 POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building 3.03 POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building, 3.04 POD
Whitechapel Garrod Building, 3.06 UC
Whitechapel Garrod Building, 1.36 SCR PRO
Whitechapel Garrod Building, Milton LT PRO
Whitechapel Garrod Building, Room 1.21 UC
Whitechapel Innovation Centre, Clark-Kennedy LT PRO
Whitechapel Wingate Institute, Wingate 01 PRO
Whitechapel Yvonne Carter Bldg, Michael Mason Room PRO




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