
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Get Ready

Dear colleagues,

This time next week we will be on our way to releasing the upgraded QMplus site!

Here are some last bits of information.

Your Assignment Questions Answered:
There were questions raised at our ‘What’s New With QMplus’ event we held in June. We’ve compiled answers to these questions and will be putting together more guidance on our new website soon.

End of Year Process:
There is more information about the end of year process (Rollover and Archiving) on our website at:

Some things to remember…

  1. QMplus will be in read-only mode for most of next week. You will be unable to add or edit.
  2. QMplus will be inaccessible for parts of Thursday, 17th July.
  3. The upgraded QMplus environment will be released on the 17th July.
  4. The current QMplus site will become the 2013/14 archived site and available via an index page –
  5. Staff will have a grace period with full access to the archive, to remove any unwanted files.
  6. You are advised to download any student coursework, grades, and feedback, and not rely on the archive for this information.
  7. A ‘Rollover block’ will become available to QMplus administrators after the upgrade – during the week of 21st July – and will allow the course area to be ‘reset’ for a new intake of students.
  8. QMplus administrators will be identified, contacted and offered training, which will enable them to ‘bypass’ the ITS Helpdesk for many QMplus administrative tasks.
  9. If you would like your course to be rolled over (or duplicated) you can still contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance.
  10. Drop-in sessions will be available for staff as of 21st July – currently being planned for Mile End and Whitechapel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Details on times and locations to be advertised soon.
  11. If you previously had an integrated QMplus and Turnitin Assignment, this will no longer be available after the upgrade. Any such assignments due after the upgrade will need to be re-created.
  12. If you have an assignment due after the upgrade, please review it in the upgraded environment as it may need to be re-created – see point 11 above.
  13. There will be only 2 assignment options after the upgrade – the Standard QMplus assignment or the Turnitin Assignment. A comparison chart is available here:
  14. Further design and other updates will be applied after the upgrade and is being planned for release at the end of August.
  15. As this is our first upgrade, there may be some unexpected deviations. However we will work with our service provider to get the QMplus upgrade to you as soon as possible after our testing, and to follow the details described herewith as closely as possible. If there are any issues we may need to add fixes to the August update release.

Please pass on relevant information to your students and colleagues.

Best Wishes,

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