
Technology Enhanced Learning Team


How do I add references to my Q-Review recording?

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For: StaffApplication: Q-ReviewTagged: copyright

This page covers:

  • How to add references to a Q-Review recording

To adhere to copyright regulation all copyrighted material used within recordings must be properly referenced.

Before the recording:

If a presentation is used (such as PowerPoint), place references to all materials on the final slide of the presentation and ensure that it is shown before the end of the recording.

After the recording:

Place references in the description section within the media info of the Q-Review recording.

1. Login to Q-Review and go to your recording.

2. Click the edit button on the top right.

3. In the ‘Edit media info’ window that pops up, add your references in the description box after any    other details you add.

4. Click on the ‘Save’ button.

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Produced by the the Technology Enhanced Learning Team at Queen Mary University of London.

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