
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Assessment and Feedback

Assessment and Feedback

Assessment and feedback are essential elements in QMplus. There are different methods of assessing participants and providing feedback.

QMplus Quiz

The Quiz is a powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment tasks with detailed feedback.

QMplus Assignment

Assignments allow students to submit work to their teacher for grading.

Question Bank

The Question bank allows a teacher to create, preview and edit questions in a database.


QMplus has a range of methods and options for grading.


Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism detection service which can also be used for marking /providing feedback.



Video submissions are a popular way of assessing students.


Workshop is a powerful peer assessment activity.

Assessment Block

The Assessment Information block will automatically collate all assessed activities that have been created in the QMplus module area.


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