Training and Workshops
There are two strands to our programme:
- Our scheduled programme, We run a programme of workshops providing training in the use of our major services, QMplus, Q-Review and Turnitin. We have a scheduled series of workshops that are available to any member of staff at QMUL. Our core sessions are:
- Getting started with QMplus
- Getting started with Q-Review
- Building quizzes in QMplus
- Creating and marking assignments in QMplus
- Getting started with Turnitin and QMplus
These sessions are scheduled regularly throughout the year and we try to vary the location between the Mile End and the Whitechapel campuses. Attendance at a session is not limited to staff on the campus on which it is running.
For details of when these sessions are running, visit the online course booking system on the where you can search by Course Code ‘TELT’. If you find the session you want is fully booked, please put yourself on the waiting list. There may be a cancellation and we will try to run additional sessions where demand is high.
- Our Bespoke sessions