Calling all Q-Review Champions!
Echo360, the system behind lecture capture service here at QMUL, are delighted to announce the launch of a new initiative to assist and support active practitioners with embedding the use of Q-Review across the university. They invite you to consider joining a small group of your peers as the recipient of one of our 2019 Echo360 Champion Grants.
Successful Applicants will receive:
- Full funding for a 1-2 day workshop (inc. flights, meals and accommodation).
- £3,000 to support adoption of Echo360 active learning within the institution.
- Registration, flights and accommodation for the 2019 or 2020 Echo360 Active Learning Conference.
Want to know more?
Join us for a short presentation and Q+A session at 12noon on February 11th
Applications close: Midnight, Saturday 23rd February 2019.
For more information and to apply, please contact John Couperthwaite at