
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Let’s Meet … Abigail Mason

19 April 2024 Posted in: Articles, News By: Rume Begum

This month we’re getting to know Abigail Mason from the Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TELT).

Introduce yourself

My name is Abigail Mason and I have recently joined the Technology Enhanced Learning team as the third Learning Technology Officer. I will be working within the Training and Support strand of TELT – offering support via the IT Helpdesk and staff drop-ins as well as assisting with induction and training sessions for students and staff across the University.

Tell us a bit about your previous role

I worked for the Windsor Forest College’s group. It is composed of 4 colleges, two sixth form and two FE. I was part of the Learning Technology Team and we supported and trained staff and students on the various technologies that were available to enhance teaching, learning and assessment.  

What attracted you to come and work at QM?

In my previous job I worked with students and teaches from pre-Entry ESOL courses through to HE, I enjoyed all of it, but especially working with the HE department, so I was keen to move to an HE Institution. I was especially attracted to QM because of its diversity and ethos. 

What are you most looking forward to in the job? 

I am really happy to be part of a bigger team, in my previous role the Learning Technology team I worked in was very small, and for a long period I was the only person working in it! I am really enjoying being part of a larger team and having more people to share ideas with and learn from. I am also really looking forward to learning about technologies I haven’t worked with before.

Is there anything interesting you are currently learning or doing in the role? 

To be honest I am finding everything interesting! I am still settling in and familiarising myself with some of the technologies that are new to me and learning about the processes and procedures. 

What are your hobbies? 

I am a total bookworm and spend a lot of my spare time reading, currently anything ‘Outback noir’ I can get my hands on. I recently discovered some very old family photographs and documents etc and so I am planning to start researching our family history. My Gran documented some information for us so I will use that to get started. 

Quick-fire questions 

1. Favourite type of cuisine?

Oooo tricky one, probably Italian 

2. Favourite animal?  

I love pretty much all animals, but my ultimate favourites are cats, any type, domestic and big cats. Oh, and Pandas, but that’s because they are ridiculous and Panda videos on YouTube make me laugh a lot. 

3. Favourite hot drink? 

A latte, but I should only drink one a day because I am also a bit of an insomniac! (And no, I’m sorry, but decaf coffee is not coffee!) 

 4. Favourite app on your phone? 

My Kindle app, I love always having a book with me. 

5. Favourite holiday destination? 

That’s a tough choice, I love Cornwall, but I have also become very fond of North Norfolk. I thought I would find it too flat, but I love being able to see so far and the incredible feeling of space, plus they have some lovely beaches. 

6. Favourite game? 

I am not massively into games, but I do love Yahtzee, because it is purely based on chance it was one game I could beat my older brother at! Since playing with my son and my nieces and nephew we have discovered one of my nieces can pretty much roll dice to order… only three more years till she is 21 and I can whisk her off to Reno! 

 7. Any hidden talents? 

I don’t think so, but I am pretty good at remembering utterly pointless facts that no one will ever need to know… for example, the collective noun for Rhinos is a ‘crash’ 


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