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Let’s Meet … Andre Elston (Law)

23 August 2022 Posted in: Articles, News Tagged: By: Catherine Mclean

This week we sat down with Andre Elston – Digital Learning Adviser in the School of Law.

Who am I?

Andre ElstonMy name is Andre Elston and I am the Digital Learning Adviser in the School of Law having joined QMUL in December 2021. Prior to joining QMUL, I was an Online Learning Coordinator at St George’s University, working in the medical school.

My current role takes me between the School of Law at the Mile End campus, and Lincoln’s Inn Fields near Holborn, where the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) is based.

Although I’ve only been here since December last year, it’s been a good start and I was reflecting on this whilst completing the recent staff survey. I suppose the only downside to being a new member of staff in an entirely new role, is that it takes longer to get access to things, but apart from that, I’m really enjoying my time at QMUL so far.

Projects I’m currently working on

As my post is fairly new, I’m still settling into the role, but I do have a Digital Learning Officer working with me so I can focus on more strategic things for the department. As both roles are new, we are developing things as we go along.

We have been helping with a lot of MME recently and all the issues that come with that.

One project that we’ll start to look at soon is student attendance, particularly for the PG Law programmes, and how we monitor and record this.

Hobbies / interests

Outside of work I enjoy climbing / bouldering in London and going to festivals and gigs. In July I volunteered at the Norberg Festival in Sweden.

I also really love films and I’m looking forward to the upcoming BFI season.

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