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QMplus Post-Upgrade Bug Tracker

21 July 2014 Posted in: Articles, News By: Alysa Bramble

We will be working on fixing any issues as a result of the 2014 upgrade; fixes will be released as part of an update in August. If you discover anything that is not working as expected, please raise this with the IT Services Helpdesk so that we can investigate and add to the August release.

In the meantime, we have included some suggested workarounds for known issues:

    1. There have been issues reported with Internet Explorer 11, such asĀ  truncated text
      Workaround – please try another browser, such as Firefox or Chrome.
    2. Collapsed Topics – can’t see content within topics; clicking on topic heading takes user back to top of page (appears that content is missing). UPDATE: THIS HAS BEEN FIXED BY REMOVING THE MODULE INFORMATION BLOCK. Please see 8 below.
    3. Turnitin Submission Inbox – can’t see student submissions
      Workaround – teachers can change the theme to address this problem: From the Course ‘Settings’ click on ‘Edit Settings’; then Under ‘Appearance’ > ‘Force Theme’ > Change to ‘Queen Mary University of London’edit settings
      QMUL theme
    4. Landing Pages – Distorted pages. Fix slated for August, no current workaround.
    5. Anonymous Forum PostsCannot currently send a forum message anonymously. Fix slated for August, no current workaround. UPDATE: THIS HAS NOW BEEN FIXED.
    6. PDF Annotation – Missing Scroll bars. Fix slated for August, no current workaround.
    7. Tables – problems with HTML tables not rendering properly in books and pages as a result of a more responsive theme. TIP: There is a potential solution posted on :
    8. Module Information Block – This has been temporarily disabled as it was causing errors with some courses using the Collapsed Topic format. Fix slated for August.
    9. Loss of some heading styles. Fix slated for August.
    10. Loss of the QMplus docking block functionality – This is a known Moodle issue for this version and not slated for an update in next release.
    11. Quickmailerror message when sending to groups – newly reported. Aim for fix in August release. UPDATE: THIS HAS NOW BEEN FIXED.
    12. Rollover Blockthere is a delay in the release of the rollover block, and this will be available after we have successfully been able to restore courses from backup files. We want to make sure that should a course be rolled over accidentally, that we have the ability to restore from backups. We hope to be able to test this shortly, and will update this page when it is available. UPDATE: THIS HAS NOW BEEN ROLLED OUT TO ADMINISTRATORS ONLY – WHO CAN NOW ADD THE BLOCK TO THEIR COURSE AREA WHEN THEY NEED IT.
    13. Other theme and design related issues


New issues being reported:

These issues are being reported by you and we hope to have a fix in place for the August release. Please submit any other issues via the IT Helpdesk.

    1. Spacing in messages/posts text
    2. Sub- and superscript text – both being truncated


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