
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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TELT Welcome Week induction sessions 2023

25 September 2023 Posted in: Articles, News By: Annette Nembhard


In June, we told you about three student ambassadors who joined TELT to help revamp our student induction programme, and in August, we introduced you to four new ambassadors who joined our induction delivery team.

Working alongside the Training and Support strand, the team delivered more than 30 face-to-face sessions to over 1000 students during Welcome Week.

More than 2300 students have enrolled on our induction module, TELT023 – QMplus Induction for Students which is a great way for students to revisit some of the content that was covered in the live sessions as well as being handy for those who were not able to attend.

We also introduced student to our new Instagram page. Students can follow us for the latest updates, tips and advice from TELT.

A huge thank you to Vandy, Ella, Anu, Jessica, Ahrebah and Irha for their hard work during Welcome Week!

We had a number of opportunities for student to win prizes during our sessions, and this included some of our TELT branded merchandise. Congratulations to all the winners! Here are just a few of the students who went how with prizes.

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