
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Upcoming TELT Workshops and Sessions (May 24 edition)

9 May 2024 Posted in: Articles By: John Seamons

A screen which states never stop learning. It is a laptop.

TELT have workshops upcoming for:

  1. Getting started with QMplus
  2. An Introduction to QMplus Enrolment Methods and Using QMplus Enrolment Mapping
  3. Getting Started with QMplus Hub

Getting started with QMplus 

  • 24th June 2.00pm – 4.00pm 
  • Online

This 2-hour online session will get you started with QMUL’s online learning environment, QMplus.
We’ll show you the basics of the system and get you into a position to be able to start building your own areas on QMplus.

In this 2-hour session we will cover: What QMplus is and how it fits with other technologies at QMUL; how to login to QMplus and navigate the system; how to set up your QMplus profile; what a standard QMplus module area looks like; how to start building your own QMplus area using our most popular tools, including uploading files and creating activities; how to get access to areas on QMplus and how to give others access to your own areas.

These sessions are designed to show you the most commonly used functions, explore how you can use them with students, give you some hands-on practice and have your questions answered, supported by guidance documentation.

Please follow this link to the CPD site for further details and the chance to book a place.

An Introduction to QMplus Enrolment Methods and Using QMplus Enrolment Mapping

  • 12 June 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Online

Join us for this 1 hour session where we will explore the most commonly used enrolment methods in QMplus, including QMplus Enrolment Mapping. This introductory session is open to all users with teacher or admin access to QMplus. In this session we’ll look at:

  • The most frequently used enrolment method
  • How the common enrolment methods work
  • When you might choose to use a particular enrolment method
  • How enrolment mappings works
  • How enrolment mappings are created
  • Note that there will be an additional 15 minutes allocated at the end of the session for those who would like to stay for the Q&A.

Please follow this link to the CPD site for further details and the chance to book a place.

Getting Started with QMplus Hub

1-10-Jun-24 10:00-11:00AM

2- Thursday 27th June 2-3pm  

QMplus Hub is Queen Mary’s Online e-portfolio system. In this hour-long online session, participants will explore QMplus Hub alongside the trainers, learning how to navigate the system and how it can be used in their teaching.

Participants are expected to be logged into QMplus Hub at the start of the session. Instructions will be sent with the booking confirmation.

In this session we’ll look at:

  • How to navigate the QMplus Hub interface & dashboard
  • Editing your profile
  • Creating a portfolio
  • Creating and managing groups
  • Communicating and sharing content with others

Please follow this link to the CPD site for further details and the chance to book a place.

Final notes
Please book on or pass on to staff who may be interested

Many thanks for reading and hope to see you there


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