
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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(Cancelled) Introduction to Online Learning Design

23 June 2021 14.00pm

ABC Learning Design is a popular approach to designing teaching with a particular emphasis on using technology to support learning. At the core of the approach is thinking about the types of activity that students will be engaged in and where technology might be used to support that.

In this one hour introductory session we will introduce the core learning activity types in the ABC approach and show how you can use these to either design new teaching or re-design existing teaching to incorporate technology. You will also gain an overview of the wide variety of technology available at QMUL to support the different activities.

You do not need any special software to participate. You will need headphones and, ideally, a microphone.

You can book on to this session by visiting the course booking system: and searching for this session. Full joining instructions will be provided on the booking system.

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