
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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TELT016 – An Introduction to Blackboard Ally

06 February 2023 14.00pm

Blackboard Ally is a piece of software that seamlessly integrates with our QMplus online learning environment (Moodle) to assist teachers and module conveners in making online resources and content more accessible for learners.

This session is aimed at staff who create and upload content for use on QMplus; academics, learning technologists, or those who will be supporting schools and institutes to improve the accessibility of their courses, in order to provide a truly inclusive learning environment. It will cover how Blackboard Ally works, the student workflow looking at alternative formats, the instructor reporting, and the tools available to improve accessibility.

This session will be delivered online via MS Teams. A link to access the session online will be circulated to you the day before the session is due to take place.

[PhD students please note that this course is intended for members of staff working at the university.]

Date: 06 Feb-2023
Venue: Online
Time: 14:00-15.30

This session will take place online using Microsoft Teams. Please book yourself a space by visiting our online course booking system and searching for course code TELT1016. A link to the session will be sent to you at least one day before the session is due to take place.

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