
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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TELT018a – Advanced use of Mentimeter in teaching

20 January 2023 14.00pm


This one hour online session will cover advanced features of Mentimeter including:

• Segmentation – how to segment the answers to your questions to reveal patterns of responses
• History and Trends – how to measure trends over time
• Following advanced question types to increase variety, engagement and insight (Ranking, Scales, 2×2 grid, Pin on image, Slide library [new])
• Control your presentation experience (Mentimote, Moderation)


Date: Wednesday 20 January 2023
Venue: Online
Time: 14:00 – 15:00

This session will take place online using Microsoft Teams. Please book yourself a space by visiting our online course booking system and searching for course code TELT018a. A link to the session will be sent to you at least one day before the session is due to take place.

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