Question 1: When can I begin the rollover process for my modules?
Answer 1: You can begin the rollover for your modules after a 2021/22 archive is made available (to ensure that content is in the archive before removing data). We aim to have the archive available the week of the 18th July, this is to be confirmed.
For more details on the rollover and archiving process this year, please view our Theme Update page here, then scroll down to the FAQs lists.
Question 2: Can I retrieve a video that has been deleted from QMPlus Media (Kaltura)?
Answer 2: If the video was deleted within 7-10 days of your request, we can ask Kaltura’s support team to locate and restore it, but this is not guaranteed. Please raise a ticket to our helpdesk including the video name, video ID (if possible) and the date & time uploaded.
Question 3: Can I be made the owner of an existing QMPlus Media video?
Answer 3: To gain admin access to a QMPlus Media file, the current owner would need to grant this from their end. Please contact the necessary individual to request this. Please also see our guide that may assist the current owner of the files with these changes: Allowing others to collaborate on your QMplus Media videos