On Tuesday 19th March, between 13:00-16:00, members of the Enhancement strand of the Technology Enhanced Learning Team (TELT) will be in the Arts One foyers at Mile End campus to chat with colleagues, academics and students about technology in education, with the following aims:
- Understanding academic needs and feedback
- Raising TELT-awareness with staff/students
- Promoting TELT support streams and best practices
- Fostering ideas and potential collaborative opportunities
- Understanding the student voice
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Here are the various ways that you can follow up with us:
- Email telt@qmul.ac.uk if you want to continue a conversation, share innovative ideas or get involved with a pilot scheme.
- Come along to one of our weekly online drop-in sessions every Tuesday and Thursday between 1-2pm to discuss a specific issue or query related to one of our technologies (staff only).
- Request a BALT (Book a Learning Technologist) for a one-to-one, hour-long session at a date and time that suits you (staff only).
- Explore our user guides if you want to learn more about the technologies used at QMUL.
- Sign up to our mailing list to receive a monthly TELT Newsletter, which shares useful tips, important updates and upcoming events and training.
- Visit TELT’s section of the new CPD (continual professional development) website. Enrol on pages you’re interested in, and book yourself a place onto one of our training sessions (staff only).
- Join our Community of Practice – open to all colleagues across the University who want to share ideas, content, experiences, questions, and best practices.