
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Introduction to Video Editing

02 February 2016 14.00pm

E-Learning Studio, CAPD, Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus

Whether you have recorded your own video or have some footage from somewhere else it is very likely that you will need to do some editing to produce a final product. No matter which software you use the principles of video editing are the same.  With knowledge of these basic principles, and a bit of time, you will soon find that you can create professional and compelling videos.

In this 2 hour hands on session you will find out:
– What software is available to you here at QMUL and more generally
– How to improve the image through adjustments to exposure and colour
– How to add clips, graphics and photos to your video
– How to add professional touches such as captions, titles and transitions
– How to publish your video so that others can view it e.g. via the online learning environment, QMplus

To book please visit our online booking system

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