
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Producing compelling videos using screencasting

18 January 2016 11.00am

E-Learning Studio, CAPD, Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus

Screencasting, is recording what is happening on your computer screen. A screencast usually also includes an audio voiceover and can also include a video of the person speaking. The most common use of screencasts is to demonstrate how to do something with a software application however they have a myriad of different uses in education:
– Provide student feedback by recording yourself going through a piece of student work
– Provide an introduction to your module with a short video
– Give a quick explanation of a tricky concept to clear up misunderstandings

Producing a screencast is relatively easy to do with your own desktop or laptop computer. There are a variety of options for software tools to help you, some of which are freely available to you as a member of staff at QMUL. Once you know what to do, you’ll find it can be really quick to produce something that students will find really useful.

In this two hour session you will find out:
– What screencasting tools are available to you here at QMUL, Camtasia, QMplus Media and Q-Review personal capture
– Tips for recording good quality audio
– How to record video for your screencast through a webcam
– Tips on editing your screencast
– How to share your screencast, e.g. Through the online learning environment QMplus

To book please visit our online booking system

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