Sign up to a workshop “Getting Started with QMplus” 18/10/23 14:00-16:00.
- Are you a new member of staff at QMUL who would like to learn more about QMplus?
- An existing member of staff who would like a refresher?
- Or do you know a colleague/s who may benefit from learning more about QMplus?
If so please sign up or pass on details of an online workshop being run by TELT “TELT001 – Getting Started with QMplus” on Wednesday 18 October 2023 between 14:00-16:00.
What is QMplus?
QMplus is the Virtual Learning Environment at Queen Mary it is based on Moodle and a hugely important system for both staff and students. It is the main place for students to access course materials and submit assignments.
What can I expect from the Workshop?
These sessions are designed to show you the most commonly used functions, explore how you can use them with students, give you some hands-on practice and have your questions answered, supported by guidance documentation.
In this 2-hour session we will cover:
- What QMplus is and how it fits with other technologies at QMUL.
- How to login to QMplus and navigate the system.
- How to set up your QMplus profile.
- What a standard QMplus module area looks like.
- How to start building your own QMplus area using our most popular tools, including uploading files and creating activities.
- How to get access to areas on QMplus and how to give others access to your own areas.
What should I be able to do after the session?
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Navigate the QMplus interface.
- Navigate around a module page.
- Structure a basic QMplus module area.
- Edit the module page as course leader/teacher and adding content.
- Understand various activities within QMplus, highlighting key ones.
How will the Workshop be delivered?
The session will take place online using Microsoft Teams.
How do I sign up to the Workshop?
For more information and to book yourself a space please visit our online course booking system and search for the course code TELT001 .
A link to the session will be sent to you at least one day before the session is due to take place.
We hope to see you at the workshop!