Faculty User Groups
The four user groups Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), Science and Engineering (S&E), School of Medicine and Dentistry (SMD) and Professional Services (PS), meet termly to consider e-learning issues and priorities at the faculty/professional services level.
Information brought to the groups comes from a variety of sources:
- Service review summaries
- Road maps and upcoming changes
- Current faculty issues and priorities
These groups report to the University-wide E-Learning Steering Group.
The groups
- Humanities and Social Sciences
Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Gillow & Chris Sparks
Secretary: June Ryde - Science and Engineering
Chair: Dr Jon Hays
Secretary: Kriss Atkin - Medicine and Dentistry
Chair: Dr. Heidrun Bien - Professional Services
Chair: Martin Beeson
If you would like to represent your school or institute on the relevant group or if you have issues that you would like to be raised at the group, then please contact the chair or secretary directly.
- Dean for TP (chair)
- An academic representative from each School
- An e-learning representative from each School, or where there is no e-learning specialist, an administrative representative
- A member of the E-Learning Unit
- Faculty Relationship Manager, IT Services
- Faculty / School student representative(s)
Terms of Reference
- To review the use of e-learning and innovations within the faculty
- To identify faculty priorities and request enhancements to e-learning provision
- To act as an expert group to review developments and new proposals in the area of e-learning
- To foster effective communications between the E-Learning Unit and the Schools
- To help promote shared knowledge and good practice in the use of e-learning within the faculty