As the first signs of spring begin to appear, here’s our February newsletter.
Save the Date! TEL Community of Practice Summer Event
Following on from our successful summer event last year, the Technology Enhanced Learning Community of Practice (TEL CoP) are inviting you to save the date for this year’s hybrid summer event.
- When? Wednesday 5th June from 12:30pm
- Where? Graduate Centre, Mile End campus
The community continues to be open to all and we encourage you to invite colleagues to join the community on MS Teams and attend the event.
More information and registration links will follow next month.
Turnitin and the QMplus marking workflow
If you do your marking in Turnitin Feedback Studio, we need to make you aware that this does not work with the QMplus marking workflow feature. This means that grades and feedback may be visible to students before you intend them to be.
For further information about this issue and what we recommend that you do, please read our full article Turnitin does not support the QMplus marking workflow feature.
Two grades don’t make a right
Continuing the subject of Turnitin and marking, we have recently discovered an issue when staff attempt to mark the same piece of student work in QMplus AND Turnitin Feedback Studio. In this case, grades from Turnitin can overwrite grades entered in QMplus and cause some confusion.
For further details please read our full Two grades don’t make a right article.
Closure of our video booths
Sadly we have to announce that we will no longer be offering recording booths as one of our services.
The booth in the iQ East building at Mile End is being decommissioned and the space released for office use.
The Whitechapel booth, in the Garrod Building basement, has been handed over to the Digital Education Studio within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. For enquiries regarding this facility, please contact
We will continue to offer workshops on creating videos and podcasts for teaching and learning. These will be advertised via our newsletter and website.
You can read more about this decision in our Closure of our video booths article.
Upcoming staff development sessions
We have a number of staff development sessions running in March, some of these are particularly aimed at helping staff prepare for the next exam season in May.
- Turnitin – Understanding the TII similarity report – Wednesday 6th March, 12:00-12:30.
- QMplus Quizzes – Top tips for exam season – Wednesday 13th March, 12:00-12:30 and Friday 15th March, 14:00-14:30
- QMplus Assignments – Exploring issues raised in the Jan 2024 exam period – Thursday 21st March, 14:00-15:00
Please see our Staff development sessions article for more details about the content of the sessions and links to book yourself a place.
Lets meet…Anis Faqiehah
In this month’s “Let’s Meet…” article we talk to Anis Faqiehah, a student at QMUL who has been employed by the TELT to work on updating some of our many video guides. She tells us a bit about why she loves studying at QMUL and what she is enjoying about working with the team.
Read the whole story in our Let’s meet…Anis Faqiehah article.
Qudos Corner
We would like to give a shout out to our team member Simon Durrant who delivered the recent “So You Want to Make a Podcast?” training session and received very positive feedback:
- “Good basic material for the newbie, helpful information to get going. Good down-to-earth approachable presenting style.”
- “Thank you to the TELT team for organising”
- “Thanks for providing – very helpful”
Massive shout out also to our QMplus Hub leads Rume Begum and Megan Jones who delivered several QMplus Hub Upgrade Awareness Sessions recently and received excellent feedback:
- “Seeing the updates and how they can be used – the session did what it aimed to do (raise awareness of the upgrade).”
- “The hosts were able to stay behind to answer questions which was appreciated.”
- “Just a good review of what has changed.”
- “It was the perfect session”.
- “Keep up the great work :)”
- “Thank you for the good session!”
Frequently asked questions
Some recent questions our support team have been dealing with are:
- Issues with logging in to JISC online surveys
- Why am I not receiving notifications from forums on QMplus?
- How can new staff members log in to Q-Review?
Please see our Frequently asked questions article for the answers to these questions.