Here is the E-Learning Unit Newsletter for January 2016. We hope you find this month’s articles useful.
E-Assessment and Feedback – What your colleagues say?
The E-Learning Unit started a consultation with staff about their views on electronic management of assessment and feedback. You can see a snapshot of initial challenges that have been identified by your colleagues here. We also presented these challenges during the QMUL’s annual Teaching and Learning conference where many other colleagues gave feedback/comment and discussed their ideas on this topic.
Our aim is to provide you and your students the tools for effective assessment and feedback. We will be creating a space where you can provide your feedback. In the meantime if you have anything you would like to share with us then please send an email to us at
QMUL Teaching and Learning Conference and Drapers’ Lecture
Last Wednesday’s Teaching and Learning Conference and Drapers’ Lecture welcomed 180 colleagues to the People’s Palace to explore the theme of student transitions. The day was a great success, providing a platform to showcase and share best practice at Queen Mary, explore innovations and discuss current issues in higher education. You can view videos and photos of the event on the conference webpages. If you attended the conference and have not yet given your feedback please take a few moments to complete our evaluation survey.
CAPD new ADEPT website
The Centre for Academic and Professional Development at QMUL are delighted to announce the launch of the ADEPT website . This is a collection of relevant, practical and useful resources developed to provide inspiration and guidance for all colleagues involved in teaching at QMUL and beyond, from new members of staff seeking to extend their knowledge to those with more experience who may be looking for a fresh perspective on teaching and learning.
The website includes a number of interesting articles related to the use of technology in teaching, with staff talking about a range of different topics including their use of the online learning environment, audience voting systems, different ways of presenting materials in lectures and developing e-learning strategies.
Enhancing teaching and learning in the sciences through scholarly activity
Professor David Read from the University of Southampton visited Queen Mary in January to give a talk on enhancing learning and teaching. Dr Rachel O’Callaghan, chair of the TIGER committee, shares her thoughts on the event (click here). You can also watch a recording of the talk.
Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Membership
Established in 1993, ALT is the UK’s leading membership organisation in the learning technology field. QMUL has an organisational membership of ALT, individual membership (Associate membership) for all QMUL staff is free . It gives individuals access to ALT’s members-only discussions lists and all their news output and publications, as well as significant discounts at events such as our Annual Conference. You can join by visiting the the sign-up page: .
Case Study: QMplus Quizzes for Language Teaching
In this month’s case study we share Elsa Petit’s experience of using QMplus Quizzes. Elsa has developed online assessment materials for French language students using QMplus Quizzes. There are two main aspects of her project:
- the production of 15 French grammar tests on QMplus for the first year core language module
- the production of an online French language entry test
Q-Review in the School of Science and Engineering
The Faculty of Science and Engineering has become a ‘Q-Review school’ as of January 2016. This means that all lectures that occur in Q-Review lecture capture enabled rooms will be scheduled to be recorded by default, unless a lecturer chooses to opt out. If lecturers are happy to have all their lectures recorded, they don’t need to do anything. A Q-Review block will also appear on QMplus module/course areas to enable student access to their recordings once they are published. To opt out of a Q-Review recording, individual lecturers must contact their Q-Review contact within their school.
QMplus January Release
On Tuesday the 12th January 2016 we made some updates to QMplus. These updates fixed some outstanding issues and added some new features such as –
- Auto create groups – with only students
- My QMplus block update – links to hidden courses
- Topic Zero news – truncated text
Q-Review block – Lecture Recordings
Staff development opportunities
We have a number of scheduled sessions running in February:
- A number of video-related sessions including how to make use of QMUL’s media server QMplus Media, how to make videos in the QMUL recording booths and a session providing tips to improve your video making
- A session on using QMplus Hub for groups and group working, for both teaching and non-teaching activities.
- Getting started with QMplus, our online learning environment.
Please see our online course booking system for further details and to book yourself a place.
For staff with quick questions, we’re running drop-in sessions every Tuesday and Thursday 13:00-14:00 in the E-Learning Studio on the Mile End campus. Due to low uptake, we are currently not running drop-ins at Whitechapel.
Our ‘Book a Learning Technologist’ service allows you to book time with a member of the E-Learning Unit to discuss any e-learning ideas that you might have. Sessions are now available for February and you can book them via QMplus.
Q-Review Personal Capture
If you’ve noticed any issues with Q-Review personal capture then please download and install the latest version of the software by following this guide, this should resolve your issue. If you still have any queries or problems then please raise a ticket on Helpdesk.