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Mentimeter training resources

Mentimeter Academy selected resources

Mentimeter provides a range of resources via its online Mentimeter Academy for users to access self-paced training. On this page we have selected a number of resources that you may find particularly useful, though we do recommend also consulting the full bank of materials via the website.


Getting started with Mentimeter beginner's course Learn how to create new presentations, how the various slide types work, and what your presentation will look like from your audience’s point of view. Mentimeter’s instructors will help you master the basics and improve your presentations.

Getting Started with Mentimeter: Beginner’s Course

This is a free Mentimeter Academy course where you can learn how to create new presentations, about the various slide types, and how presentations appear to your audience. You will need to register for the short course which lasts approximately 30-45 minutes.


Progressing with Mentimeter: Intermediate Course The 2nd in the series of Mentimeter focused courses. Following on from the Beginner’s Course and the perfect step before an Advanced Course.

Progressing with Mentimeter: Intermediate Course

  • Learn how to create impactful presentations and learn about audience engagement
  • Discover the apps for Zoom, PowerPoint, and other integrations
  • Customising presentations and presenting Mentimeter in multiple settings
  • Access to loads of additional resources and templates

This is a free Mentimeter Academy course for which you will need to register, and which lasts approximately 2-3 hours.

Inclusive teaching strategies

Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Engaging All Students Develop the skills to create an engaged, positive, and safe learning environment. Combine theory with concrete examples you can incorporate in your own teaching practice!

This course will help you to lower barriers by fostering a sense of belonging, guiding you through the theory of inclusive teaching and giving you practical strategies to create a classroom culture of belonging.

You will need to register for this free course, which last approximately 60 minutes.

Mentimeter recorded webinars

Select the area of interest to reveal more information and a link to the relevant YouTube video.

Using Mentimeter to improve learning outcomes

This recording of a live webinar looks at the power of Mentimeter in higher education, facilitating active learning and capturing student insights. The whole recording lasts about an hour but it is possible to jump to sections of greater interest.
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Improving student engagement in a safe and inclusive learning environment

This recording of a live Mentimeter webinar looks at improving student engagement while ensuring a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Some of the tactics reviewed include:
– The importance of understanding your own identity and position, and how that can impact how you teach and how your students perceive you. Implementing one simple exercise here, at the beginning of your journey with a new student group, can go a long way
– Students’ feeling of belonging is linked to their motivation, participation and overall performance in learning environments. It goes through various examples of how, through fun exercises and probing questions, you can foster a more positive, welcoming learning environment
– Implementing transformative reflection into your teaching can help both you and your students connect, understand each other better, and will naturally improve the way students learn.
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Next level presentations in Mentimeter

Already familiar with Mentimeter but want to take your presentations to the next level? Join this free interactive webinar delivered by a Mentimeter expert sharing tips about conducting live presentations.

The webinar will cover:

How to use Advanced Question types
How to export & analyze presentation data
How to customize & brand your presentations
Tips and tricks to make your presentations shine
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Mastering Mentimeter Enterprise in live presentations with advanced features

This webinar recording with Mentimeter representatives focuses on how to master Mentimeter Enterprise in live presentations by using some more advanced features.
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Mentimeter and PowerPoint – how does it work?

Do you use presentation platforms such as PowerPoint or Google Slides? Do you want to learn how to combine Mentimeter with other presentation platforms? Listen to a Mentimeter expert explaining how to use Mentimeter with Powerpoint, use segmentation, importing slides, and a range of other issues. Refer to the YouTube timing links to jump to the relevant sections of the video.
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Useful quick links

QMUL Mentimeter joining page
Mentimeter Academy
Mentimeter FAQ

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