Q-Review Policy
1.1 Overview
- Q-Review Policy v4.3 (approved by EQSB in May 2019)
Q-Review is QMUL’s lecture capture service that contributes to the student learning experience through the provision of lecture recordings for review and revision. This policy governs the use of Q-Review and covers areas such as consent, ownership, security, copyright, intellectual property and the options available to lecturers, faculties, schools or institutes when using the service.
Q-Review recordings provide accessible versions of live lectures as well as content captured via Personal Capture and as such, their availability to all students help QMUL to meet its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty to anticipate the requirements of its disabled students. However, this policy does not specifically address the use of Q-Review to meet those obligations. Please see QMUL’s policy on recording lectures for more information.
The contents of these webpages where relevant, apply to both staff and students of QMUL.
These webpages do not detail technical processes or instructions on how to interact with the system. The E-Learning Unit’s help and support area has more detailed information on procedures and user guides. Links to relevant areas of the site are included in section 8.
Definitions of the terms used in this document are available in section 1.3 (below)
*On October 25th 2018, The E-Learning Steering Group approved updates to the Q-Review Policy (version 4.2 – Version 3.6 was approved by Senate in October 2016).
1.2 Purpose of this policy
- To ensure all stakeholders understand their responsibilities.
- To prevent unauthorised use of recordings.
- To ensure appropriate permissions are sought when recordings occur.
- To prevent unauthorised use of copyrighted materials in recordings and make people aware of copyright guidance materials and resources in accordance with existing policy such as GDPR and IP laws.
- To ensure that schools who wish to capture all lecture recordings understand clearly what the requirements are.
1.2 Definitions
Affiliate – Non QMUL member of staff.
Archive – Q-Review recordings are moved to an archive server (or ‘archived’) for a period of 12 months before being permanently deleted.
Echo360 Ownership – Ownership of an Echo360 recording as used within the Echo360 system. Not to be confused by the legal owner of the recording or Intellectual Property.
ELU – E-Learning Unit
LTI Tool – Learning Tools Interoperability. This allows learning tools to communicate with each other. In this case, Q-Review and other tools such as QMplus.
Opting out – Members of staff within Q-Review Schools may choose not to be recorded by opting out.
Presenter – this refers to both the presenter of the live event and any presenters subsequently added (as meta-data) to a recording.
Published/Unpublished – Q-Review recordings can be rendered ‘unpublished’ which means that they remain on the system but cannot be viewed.
Q-Review School –a school, department, institute or faculty which, after agreement with the ELU, has adopted a policy where all lectures will be recorded unless a request is made by a lecturer to opt out.
Rollover – the annual process each summer through which Q-Review is prepared for the following year’s recordings.
Scientia Syllabus Plus – QMUL timetabling system.
1.4 Other relevant QMUL documentation
- IT services – Standard Operating Procedures – User Registration
- IT Services – Standard Operating Procedures – Acceptable Use of IT
- QMUL Data Protection Policy
- QMUL Archives Appraisal Policy
- QMUL Policy on Recording Lectures (Disability & Dyslexia Service)
- QMUL Policy on Intellectual Property: Summary Statement