
Technology Enhanced Learning Team

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Enrolment/Access: Can I give access to my QMplus course to someone who isn’t a member of QMUL?

Yes. You may give an individual outside of QMUL access to your course area by requesting that an affiliate account is made for them through the IT Helpdesk (email or log into

Please ask the IT Helpdesk team to create an affiliate account for QMplus and supply:

  1. The person’s full name
  2. Their external email address
  3. The length of time that they will need access to QMplus (up to one year)

Once you have done this, follow the steps outlined in this guide to give them access.

You may also enable guest access to your course to allow anyone to view your course area. This option is available in the edit settings page under the settings block in your course area. You can refer to this guide for details on how to give guest access.

Warning! If you allow guest access on your course, anyone will be able to access it without logging in to QMplus.

Tip: You can  assign a guest password within the settings, which can then be given to users outside of QMUL to enter before being able to access the course area.
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